pbdq 发表于 2010-11-16 16:37:11


站点www.abc.com上放程序,站点images.abc.com 放的是图片和附件



257 "/a" is current directory.

250 Directory changed to /a

257 "/a" is current directory.

250 Directory changed to /a

257 "/a" is current directory.

550 /a/http:: No such file or directory.

257 "/a" is current directory.

550 /a/http:: Failed to create.

550 /a/http:: No such file or directory.
257 "/a" is current directory.

550 /a/http/img.abc.com: No such file or directory.

257 "/a" is current directory.

550 /a/img.abc.com: Failed to create.

550 /a/http/img.abc.com: No such file or directory.

257 "/a" is current directory.

希望能够增加判断,如果在 文件链接地址前缀为 http:// 的时候

应该把文件的地址 提取出来把这个http://前缀替换为空

然后再到 ftp的文件夹内建立对应的2010/01/01 这样的目录,比较合理。

masgcc 发表于 2010-11-16 19:52:42

这不属于BUG 建议你使用根目录来判定 例如:/a/

pbdq 发表于 2010-11-16 22:15:28

回复 2# masgcc

   一看就知道你没有用 专业版 自动ftp上传的。
页: [1]
查看完整版本: FTP上传,有一个BUG,希望尽快解决。